Blood Results Interpretation

Blood Results Interpretation:
On-Demand Webinar Series

Blood tests are a critical component of patient assessment and diagnosis, but interpreting the results can be a challenge. Understanding the nuances of blood values is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning. The Blood Interpretation Webinar Series is designed to provide clinicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to interpret blood tests with confidence and precision.

The course is suitable for: GPs, GP Registrars, ACPs, Clinical Pharmacists, Nurses, Paramedics, Physician Associates


Blood Interpretation Module 1
Blood Interpretation Module 2 – biochemistry I
Blood Interpretation Module 3 –biochemistry II
Blood Interpretation Module 4 inflammatory/ tumour markers

Blood Results Interpretation: On-Demand Webinar Series

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Just what is needed for all GP Practice Pharmacists
“OnePCNTraining has proven to be an invaluable resource in my personal and professional Clinical journey. From the intuitive user interface to the wide range of high-quality Minor Illness courses, either F2F 2 days training or Weekend Webinar by Dr Javaid, their platform offers a truly exceptional learning experience.


Very informative
interesting and informative

Tasleem Kausar ahmad

Excellent teaching
Delivery of clinical relevant information for patients care

Happiness Amune